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McKINLEY Damen Stirnband Margit McKINLEY Damen Stirnband Margit
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ENERGETICS Damen Jazzpant Marion ENERGETICS Damen Jazzpant Marion
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TECNOPRO ladies skates \Marina\ TECNOPRO ladies skates \Marina\
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IPANEMA Women Dianettes Anat Colors
IPANEMA Women Dianettes Anat Colors
Soft! Colorful! Light! And very comfortable! This is the Ipanema Anatomic Colors! With our Anatomic footbed, ultimate comfort is guaranteed. Available in a variety of colors! Material: 100% polyvinyl chloride (pvc)
16,99 € *
Artikel-Nr.: 4060628123815
IPANEMA Ladies Flip Flops Glam II FEM
IPANEMA Ladies Flip Flops Glam II FEM
Durability, comfort, lightness, wearing comfort, Slip resistance, water resistance free from phthalates and PAH 100% recyclable 100% vegan Material: polyvinyl chloride
29,99 € *
Artikel-Nr.: 4060628181372
ICEBREAKER Merino Damen T-Shirt Kinetica
ICEBREAKER Merino Damen T-Shirt Kinetica
Dieses hochfunktionelle T-Shirt mit lockerer Passform passt sich den Bewegungen deines Körpers an, so dass dir gar nicht bewusst ist, was du trägst, und du dich ganz auf deine Trainingskilometer konzentrieren kannst. Die Konstruktion ist...
79,99 € *
Artikel-Nr.: 9420058568597
ICEBREAKER Damen Outdoor-T-Shirt \Sphere\
ICEBREAKER Damen Outdoor-T-Shirt \Sphere\
Ein ultraleichtes Merino T-Shirt für Reisen in warme Länder und täglichen Komfort, das Sphere T-Shirt Low Crewe ist so vielseitig wie komfortabel. Das Sphere besteht aus weichem, atmungsaktivem und feuchtigkeitsableitendem Cool-Lite™ mit...
69,99 € *
Artikel-Nr.: 9420058572990
ICEBREAKER Damen Bergshirt Kurzarm
ICEBREAKER Damen Bergshirt Kurzarm
Aus leichter Wollmischung gefertigt, hält dich dieses T-Shirt von Icebreaker angenehm kühl und punktet dazu mit geruchsabweisenden und pflegeleichten Eigenschaften. Das dezente Streifendesign auf der Front sorgt dabei für einen modischen...
75,99 € *
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CROCS Ladies Swiftwater Flip W BtC/Lgr
CROCS Ladies Swiftwater Flip W BtC/Lgr
This sporty, streamlined design is built to keep you firmly on your feet, even on slippery surfaces. This flip from the Swiftwater Collection comes with flex grooves on the outsole that shed water. The soft, flexible Matlite upper and...
29,99 € *
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VENICE BEACH Damen Maggy Capri-Pants
VENICE BEACH Damen Maggy Capri-Pants
hoher Tragekomfort und optimale Bewegungsfreiheit durch Elasthanbeimischung lässige Schnittform Kordelzugenden und Ösen aus Metall mit Venice Beach Schriftzug Seitennaht mit dekorativem Ribbändchen pflegeleichte single jersey Qualität...
29,99 € *
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VENICE BEACH Damen Shirt Tiana DCTL 02
VENICE BEACH Damen Shirt Tiana DCTL 02
Wellen, Meer, Wolken? Das kunstvolle Frontmotiv mit Schriftzug lässt Interpretationsfreiraum und schenkt dem Venice Beach Funktionsshirt eine lässige Optik. Unterstützt durch den legeren Schnitt mit extraweitem Rundhalsausschnitt,...
34,99 € *
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TEVA Ladies Casual Sandal Terra Fi 5 Sport
TEVA Ladies Casual Sandal Terra Fi 5 Sport
This shoe is perfect for outdoor active people who are looking for an injedem terrain, rugged and durable sandal. Equipped with the most aggressive hiking sole from Teva. Loaded with all the features to give your feet freedom and the...
109,99 € *
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UNDERARMOUR Damen Trainingstanktop \Balance\
UNDERARMOUR Damen Trainingstanktop \Balance\
Mit dem leger geschnittenen Tanktop Balance von Under Armour holst Du beim Workout das Maximum aus Dir heraus. Hoher Tragekomfort bei schneller Trocknung Optimaler Feuchtigkeitstransport Ansprechender Rundhalsausschnitt Moderner...
25,99 € *
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ICEBREAKER Damen Funktionsunterhemd / Unterhemd \Women´s Siren Tank\
ICEBREAKER Damen Funktionsunterhemd / Unterhemd...
Das seidig weiche und elastische Siren Tank ist ein stylisher und vielseitiger Layer an jedem Tag des Jahres. Dank Corespun-Merinojersey ist das Siren sehr robust und supersoft. Der U-Ausschnitt und die schlanke figurschmeichelnde...
ab 59,95 € *
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VENICE BEACH Damen VB_Shelby DW4W Shorts
VENICE BEACH Damen VB_Shelby DW4W Shorts
Dritivity, optimaler Feuchigkeitaustausch und Thermoregulierung. Hoher Tragekomfort mit optimaler Bewegungsfreiheit durch Elasthanbeimischung femininer-sportiver Schnitt mit Gummibund und Kordelzug. Reißverschluss-Taschen im Vorderteil...
49,99 € *
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Ladies' sports equipment

For sporty, active ladies and all those who simply like to be dressed smartly and functionally, Intersport Wolf has a large selection of ladies' sports equipment from top brands in its range. This not only includes a wide range of trendy clothing for sport, leisure and everyday life, but also high-quality sports equipment for many types of sport. We are sure to have the right equipment for your favourite sport in our range!

No matter whether you prefer to do FITNESS AND WORKOUT alone, share sporting experiences with others in a team or simply do both: we will equip you with everything you need for top sporting performances. No matter whether your heart beats for the slopes, the beach or both: We have the right equipment for sport and fun in every element! We have WINTER JACKETS, SKI JACKETS, SKI PANTS, PULLOVERS and of course FUNCTIONAL UNDERWEAR for passionate alpinists and those who want to become one. Are you more in the mood for swimming pool, beach and sun? No problem, we also offer swimwear in many variations and fashionable designs, including a whole range of beautiful bikinis.

For sporty, active ladies and all those who simply like to be dressed smartly and functionally , Intersport Wolf has a large selection of ladies' sports equipment from top brands in its range.... mehr erfahren »
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Ladies' sports equipment

For sporty, active ladies and all those who simply like to be dressed smartly and functionally, Intersport Wolf has a large selection of ladies' sports equipment from top brands in its range. This not only includes a wide range of trendy clothing for sport, leisure and everyday life, but also high-quality sports equipment for many types of sport. We are sure to have the right equipment for your favourite sport in our range!

No matter whether you prefer to do FITNESS AND WORKOUT alone, share sporting experiences with others in a team or simply do both: we will equip you with everything you need for top sporting performances. No matter whether your heart beats for the slopes, the beach or both: We have the right equipment for sport and fun in every element! We have WINTER JACKETS, SKI JACKETS, SKI PANTS, PULLOVERS and of course FUNCTIONAL UNDERWEAR for passionate alpinists and those who want to become one. Are you more in the mood for swimming pool, beach and sun? No problem, we also offer swimwear in many variations and fashionable designs, including a whole range of beautiful bikinis.

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